"Yes, Virginia, it's true. Shannon still does interpretive dance." Some of you are privy to the fact of my legendary history of interpretive dance, especially while enrolled at Seattle Pacific University. I entertained the masses. Well, not exactly, but almost. A few of you saw me dance once or twice during my first two years of PTS. I must confess, I hadn't danced recently. But going home for Christmas brought it out in full force. Of course, the seeds of my dancing go all the way back to my childhood when I would "entertain" my lucky babysitter by dancing around to my records in our living room. I remember feeling at that tender age that some day I would be doing this on a bigger scale. What can I say, guess I'm a visionary!
These pictures are from Christmas Eve night. We've just finished opening our gifts and you can see my brother in the background. In photo op #1 he's delighted by my interpretation of "Breath of Heaven." By the second photo, he's gone back to fiddling with my new iHome (yippee!) and is ignoring me completely. That's okay. I was inspired. Believe it or not, I was thinking through my theses for the three final papers I'm now working on back in P-town. Now that's something to dance about! ;-)
Hi Shannon! Ready for a trip back to junior high?? It's Kevin and Memry! I think it's rather ironic that the one time I had the flash of an idea to google Shannon Smythe, I find your blog and your most current blog entry is showing you doing some interpretive dancing. And yes, we remember when you and Samuel came to our house and entertained us!!
Remember Fro Feet?
Or how about Big Chief Toot? I don't quit remember the whole endearing saga, but I remember the punchline!!
Glad to see you haven't changed, still the same wild and crazy Shannon!
You didn't tell me about the dancing Shannon
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